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Distributie: (vezi toti actorii)

Jennifer GarnerJennifer Garner
Sydney Bristow
Ron RifkinRon Rifkin
Arvin Sloane
Carl LumblyCarl Lumbly
Marcus Dixon
Kevin WeismanKevin Weisman
Marshall Flinkman
Victor GarberVictor Garber
Jack Bristow
Michael VartanMichael Vartan
Michael Vaughn
Greg GrunbergGreg Grunberg
Eric Weiss

Sydney Bristow (Jennifer Garner) este ziua studentă, iar noaptea agent CIA. Şi nu un agent obişnuit, ci unul care lucrează pentru SD-6, o divizie secretă a agenţiei. Sau cel puţin aşa crede ea.
Sydney era o fiinţă timidă şi singuratică care în momentul în care i s-a oferit posibilitatea să lucreze într-un proiect de anvergură nu a putut să refuze.
De când a început să lucreze pentru SD-6, viaţa ei s-a schimbat: are un prieten, Danny, care tocmai a cerut-o în căsătorie şi o prietenă bună, Francie (Merrin Dungey), care se bucură pentru ea din toată inima. În schimb Will, amicul lui Sydney, este foarte nefericit pentru că în spatele prieteniei ce-i leagă se află o dragoste nemărturisită pentru aceasta.
Colegii ei de muncă, Dixon (Carl Lumbly) şi Sloane (Ron Rifkin), o sfătuiesc pe Sydney să nu-i dezvăluie nimănui secretul vieţii ei duble. După ce încalcă această regulă, viaţa lui Sydney va fi dată peste cap. Danny este ucis, iar ea trebuie să se lupte pentru propria ei viaţă. Sydney află că şi tatăl ei, despre care nu mai ştia nimic de multă vreme, face parte din aceeaşi organizaţie care, departe de a face parte din CIA, se află de partea cealaltă a baricadei. Sydney reuşeşte să intre în contact cu adevăraţi agenţi CIA şi devine astfel un dublu agent a cărui viaţă atârnă în orice moment de un fir de păr.


EPISOADE (sursa externa-netitrat)

Season 1 (22 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   Truth Be Told
·                                 2. Episode 2   So It Begins
·                                 3. Episode 3   Parity
·                                 4. Episode 4   A Broken Heart
·                                 5. Episode 5   Doppelganger
·                                 6. Episode 6   Reckoning
·                                 7. Episode 7   Color-Blind
·                                 8. Episode 8   Time Will Tell
·                                 9. Episode 9   Mea Culpa
·                                 10. Episode 10   Spirit
·                                 11. Episode 11   The Confession
·                                 12. Episode 12   The Box (1)
·                                 13. Episode 13   The Box (2)
·                                 14. Episode 14   The Coup
·                                 15. Episode 15   Page 47
·                                 16. Episode 16   The Prophecy
·                                 17. Episode 17   Q & A
·                                 18. Episode 18   Masquerade
·                                 19. Episode 19   Snowman
·                                 20. Episode 20   The Solution
·                                 21. Episode 21   Rendezvous
·                                 22. Episode 22   Almost Thirty Years

Season 2 (22 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   The Enemy Walks In
·                                 2. Episode 2   Trust Me
·                                 3. Episode 3   Cipher
·                                 4. Episode 4   Dead Drop
·                                 5. Episode 5   The Indicator
·                                 6. Episode 6   Salvation
·                                 7. Episode 7   The Counteragent
·                                 8. Episode 8   Passage (1)
·                                 9. Episode 9   Passage (2)
·                                 10. Episode 10   The Abduction
·                                 11. Episode 11   A Higher Echelon
·                                 12. Episode 12   The Getaway
·                                 13. Episode 13   Phase One
·                                 14. Episode 14   Double Agent
·                                 15. Episode 15   A Free Agent
·                                 16. Episode 16   Firebomb
·                                 17. Episode 17   A Dark Turn
·                                 18. Episode 18   Truth Takes Time
·                                 19. Episode 19   Endgame
·                                 20. Episode 20   Countdown
·                                 21. Episode 21   Second Double
·                                 22. Episode 22   The Telling

Season 3 (22 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   The Two
·                                 2. Episode 2   Succession
·                                 3. Episode 3   Reunion
·                                 4. Episode 4   A Missing Link
·                                 5. Episode 5   Repercussions
·                                 6. Episode 6   The Nemesis
·                                 7. Episode 7   Prelude
·                                 8. Episode 8   Breaking Point
·                                 9. Episode 9   Conscious
·                                 10. Episode 10   Remnants
·                                 11. Episode 11   Full Disclosure
·                                 12. Episode 12   Crossings
·                                 13. Episode 13   After Six
·                                 14. Episode 14   Blowback
·                                 15. Episode 15   Facade
·                                 16. Episode 16   Taken
·                                 17. Episode 17   The Frame
·                                 18. Episode 18   Unveiled
·                                 19. Episode 19   Hourglass
·                                 20. Episode 20   Blood Ties
·                                 21. Episode 21   Legacy
·                                 22. Episode 22   Resurrection

Season 4 (22 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   Authorized Personnel Only (1)
·                                 2. Episode 2   Authorized Personnel Only (2)
·                                 3. Episode 3   The Awful Truth
·                                 4. Episode 4   Ice
·                                 5. Episode 5   Welcome To Liberty Village
·                                 6. Episode 6   Nocturne
·                                 7. Episode 7   Détente
·                                 8. Episode 8   Echoes
·                                 9. Episode 9   A Man of His Word
·                                 10. Episode 10   The Index
·                                 11. Episode 11   The Road Home
·                                 12. Episode 12   The Orphan
·                                 13. Episode 13   Tuesday
·                                 14. Episode 14   Nightingale
·                                 15. Episode 15   Pandora
·                                 16. Episode 16   Another Mister Sloane
·                                 17. Episode 17   A Clean Conscience
·                                 18. Episode 18   Mirage
·                                 19. Episode 19   In Dreams...
·                                 20. Episode 20   The Descent
·                                 21. Episode 21   Search and Rescue
·                                 22. Episode 22   Before the Flood

Season 5 (17 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   Prophet Five
·                                 2. Episode 2   ...1...
·                                 3. Episode 3   The Shed
·                                 4. Episode 4   Mockingbird
·                                 5. Episode 5   Out of the Box
·                                 6. Episode 6   Solo
·                                 7. Episode 7   Fait Accompli
·                                 8. Episode 8   Bob
·                                 9. Episode 9   The Horizon
·                                 10. Episode 10   S.O.S.
·                                 11. Episode 11   Maternal Instinct
·                                 12. Episode 12   There's Only One Sydney Bristow
·                                 13. Episode 13   30 Seconds
·                                 14. Episode 14   I See Dead People
·                                 15. Episode 15   No Hard Feelings
·                                 16. Episode 16   Reprisal
·                                 17. Episode 17   All the Time in the World
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