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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Distributie: (vezi toti actorii)

Matt LanterMatt Lanter

Anakin Skywalker
Ashley EcksteinAshley Eckstein

Ahsoka Tano (voce)
James Arnold TaylorJames Arnold Taylor

Obi-Wan Kenobi / 4-A7 / Medical Droid (voce)
Dee Bradley BakerDee Bradley Baker

Clone Troopers
Tom KaneTom Kane

Yoda / Narrator / Admiral Yularen (voce)
Nika FuttermanNika Futterman

Asajj Ventress / Tee-C-Seventy (voce)
Ian AbercrombieIan Abercrombie

Chancellor Palpatine / Darth Sidious (voce)

Razboiul Clonelor este in plina desfasurare intre Separatisti si Republica Galactica. Cand fiul lui Jabba the Hutt este capturat de un grup de rebeli, cavalerii Jedi sunt chemati sa investigheze. Anakin Skywalker si Obi-Wan Kenobi trebuie sa descopers unde este ascuns fiul lui Jabba si cine controleaza misteriosul grup de rebeli. Anakin este insarcinat de catre Yoda cu educarea tinerei Padawan, Ahsoka Tano si aceasta ii insoteste pe parcursul investigatiei.
Fortele raului conduse de Palpatine, Contele Dooku si Generalul Griveous planuiesc sa preia controlul galaxiei. Mizele sunt mari si soarta universului se afla in mainile curajosilor cavaleri Jedi. Povestea este presarata cu batalii pline de actiune si revelatii uimitoare.

EPISOADE (sursa http://watch-series.com/serie/star_wars:_the_clone_wars -netitrat)

Season 1 (22 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   Ambush
·                                 2. Episode 2   Rising Malevolence 1/3
·                                 3. Episode 3   Shadow Malevolence 2/3
·                                 4. Episode 4   Destroy Malevolence 3/3
·                                 5. Episode 5   Rookies
·                                 6. Episode 6   Downfall of a Droid
·                                 7. Episode 7   Duel of the Droids
·                                 8. Episode 8   Bombad Jedi
·                                 9. Episode 9   Cloak of Darkness
·                                 10. Episode 10   The Lair of General Grievous
·                                 11. Episode 11   Dooku Captured
·                                 12. Episode 12   The Gungan General
·                                 13. Episode 13   Jedi Crash
·                                 14. Episode 14   Defenders of Peace
·                                 15. Episode 15   Trespass
·                                 16. Episode 16   Hidden Enemy
·                                 17. Episode 17   Blue Shadow Virus
·                                 18. Episode 18   Mystery of a Thousand Moons
·                                 19. Episode 19   Storm Over Ryloth
·                                 20. Episode 20   Innocents of Ryloth
·                                 21. Episode 21   Liberty of Ryloth
·                                 22. Episode 22   Hostage Crisis

Season 2 (22 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   Holocron Heist
·                                 2. Episode 2   
·                                 3. Episode 3   Children of the Force
·                                 4. Episode 4   Senate Spy
·                                 5. Episode 5   Landing at Point Rain
·                                 6. Episode 6   Weapons Factory
·                                 7. Episode 7   Legacy of Terror
·                                 8. Episode 8   Brain Invaders
·                                 9. Episode 9   Grievous Intrigue
·                                 10. Episode 10   The Deserter
·                                 11. Episode 11   Lightsaber Lost
·                                 12. Episode 12   The Mandalore Plot
·                                 13. Episode 13   Voyage of Temptation
·                                 14. Episode 14   Duchess of Mandalore
·                                 15. Episode 15   Senate Murders
·                                 16. Episode 16   Cat and Mouse
·                                 17. Episode 17   Bounty Hunters
·                                 18. Episode 18   The Zillo Beast
·                                 19. Episode 19   The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
·                                 20. Episode 20   Death Trap
·                                 21. Episode 21   R2 Come Home
·                                 22. Episode 22   Lethal Trackdown

Season 3 (7 episodes)

·                                 1. Episode 1   Clone Cadets/ARC Troopers
·                                 3. Episode 3   Supply Lines
·                                 4. Episode 4   Sphere of Influence
·                                 5. Episode 5   Corruption
·                                 6. Episode 6   The Academy
·                                 7. Episode 7   Assassin
·                                 8. Episode 8   Evil Plans
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